Bonolo Phuduhudu: Zebras’ new midfi eld star

Last season BDF XI wereone of the most entertainingteams in the be-Mobile Premier League, theywere serious title contendersand reached the Mascom Top 8fi nal. At the heart of the side’smidfi eld Bonolo Phuduhuduexerted his infl uence on the sidebesides being overshadowedby his fellow midfi elders whograbbed headlines for their goalscoring exploits.He has been involved in theZebras’ last two games againstZambia in the CHAN 2014Qualifi ers. His club form hascatapulted him to national teamreckoning and his form sug-gests that he could be a permanentinclusion in future Zebras squads.In an interview with this reporter,Phuduhudu stated that he has beengiven positive feedback by the nationalteam coach for his performancesagainst Zambia.


“The coachhas urged me to work harder to cementmy place in the Zebras squad,”stated the BDF XI anchorman.“I’ve been struggling to becomea fi rst team player at club level fora long time. Working extra hard intraining has made me realize mydream of becoming a regular PremierLeague player but I cannot reston my laurels. I need to work evenharder to prove myself again in theupcoming season,” said Phuduhudu.Phuduhudu was one of the club’smost consistent performers throughoutthe season. The 27 –year- oldforged an impressive defensive midfield partnership with BoitumeloMafoko and the duo gave the sidestability and helped creative playerssuch as Ofentse Mmipi and LemponyeTshireletso to fl ourish andscore goals for the club.Phuduhudu’s coach, LetangKgengwenyane, told Gazette Sportthat the player will be even betternext season.


“The local scene hasnot seen the best of him yet, he willimprove next season. Bonolo madea huge contribution last season, heis a versatile player but we advisedhim to nail down a single position toimprove his fi rst team chances. Hefeels at home in central midfi eld andhe justifi ed that by earning a call upto the national team,” said the BDFXI coach.Kgengwenyane explained thatPhuduhudu endured an unsuccessful2011/12 season because he didnot have a permanent position inthe side. “Once he started playing inmidfi eld we realized that we had agreat player in our midst. When PatrickMotsepe was injured Bonolostepped up and replaced him,” addedKgengwenyane.The coach concluded by expressinghis confi dence in Phuduhudu’schances of retaining his place in thenational team. “He needs to workeven harder at club level to earnmore call ups, he is the back-boneof BDF XI and very soon he will bean important player for the nationalside.”