Sky Girls to introduce Radio Drama

Auditions well under way


Sky; an acronym for Sure Ka Yone, Shapo Ka Yone which has become synonymous with imparting positive behavioral and life skills to young teenage girls is planning on introducing a radio drama show which will start airing in August on a day that has not yet been disclosed. According to SKY spokesperson Tapiwa Manji, the Sky Girls team was looking to audition interested persons to take part in the radio show.
The radio drama will be a new edition to the SKY’s channels which include a radio talk show on RB2, a free magazine and social media presence. Manji explained that the content of the radio drama, “will be based on the lives of teenage girls in Botswana, and we believe that every young person in the country will have a character to relate to. The storyline will be gripping, funny, sad, exciting and true to life.” She further commented that the core target audience of the radio drama is teenage girls and this she said was because the drama will air during the existing SKY Girls radio show. “But we think it will appeal to everyone, as it tackles true to life issues and will put a spotlight on both the fun and serious sides of life in Botswana,” she said.
Although the auditions were open to all parts of Botswana, Manji added that hopefuls should know that they would be required to rehearse and record in Gaborone for several weeks at a time. “Therefore we would recommend that only people who can commit to traveling to Gaborone regularly should attend auditions. We are looking for 6 actors to play our teenage girl characters, and 5 actors to play supporting characters, like teenage boys, parents and teachers. So people of all ages can come and audition, because there will be a character for every voice actor to play! We are also looking for aspiring rappers, singers and poets, because like popular TV drama ‘Empire’, the SKY drama will feature music and creative arts, integrated into the storyline,” she said.
When commenting on the when they were hoping for the show to air and the radio station it would air on, she said, “We expect the drama to start airing in August after the winter school break. It will air during the existing SKY Girls radio slot, which is Saturdays 12.30 – 1pm on RB2. As SKY we are happy that our relationship with RB2 means we can reach all corners of Botswana.”
Other than the radio drama, new developments can be expected from the Sky Girls team are the upcoming June issue of Sky Girls Magazine and the launch of the SKY vlog; a regular video blog presented by teenage girls.