Through continued efforts to contribute towards Botswana’s ICT and infrastructure development, Orange Botswana will construct a new, first of its kind for Botswana and world class Data Centre in Gaborone. In the heart of the Botswana Innovation Hub and Technology Park, the investment sets the tone for greater innovation and technology work that helps drive greater customer experience and usability of the brand and its offerings. The Data Centre ground-breaking was held before key business stakeholders on the 30th November 2018, a testament to Orange Botswana’s commitment to growing the telecommunications and data consumption space.
The state-of-the-art centre will become a central point of connectivity for National and international networking, and provide world class data services to customers. Orange Botswana will invest more than P70 million on the construction of the data centre and migration of equipment, injecting money into the local economy, bringing in additional enhanced skills and creating further employment in the market.
The construction will deliver, in 12 months, a Tier 3 Data Centre inclusive of equipment space, office space, 2 redundant energy centres and 1 tower for the backhaul and transmission. Materials and equipment to be used in construction include the latest technology, providing reliable and state-of-the-art telecommunication services in the country. The Orange Data Centre will cover 81 percent of the population with the 2G technology, 62 percent of the population with 3G technology and 45 percent of the population with 4G technology, offering the greater levels of security, flexibility and accessibility to data and information around the world.
“Day by day, technologies are becoming more advanced and people are depending more on innovative platforms and means to enhance their lifestyles, their businesses, and their day to day needs. Technology is the most rapidly evolving phenomenon, accelerated by the proliferation of mobile broadband, Wi-Fi, cloud services, smart gadgets and artificial intelligence. With every new business requirement, technology has stepped up to provide apt solution. As a mobile technology company, this prompts us to leverage these rapid changes in-order to provide our customers with what matters to them most through continuous innovation, faster connectivity and excellent user experience,” said Orange Botswana CEO, Dr. Patrick Benon.