Air show billed for this weekend

The much awaited Wesbank Botswana International Air show is happening this weekend (16th May) at its usual venue; Matsieng Aerodrome airstrip. This will be the third instalment of the show. According to organizers, gates will open at 0800 and close at 1700hrs

Activities for the day will commence with a pilot briefing in the morning, along with a parade and an official opening ceremony before attendees are treated to parades by different air crafts. “All the proceeds, after accounting for all costs of presenting the event, will be donated to local charities and worthy social institutions,” organizers said.

The Air Show offers great marketing and advertising opportunities and exposure to a number of businesses as well as to the spectators. Organizers further revealed that six options are offered to those with an interest to benefit fully from the Air show. One may book a hospitality tent for the day’s event and invite 30 guests to enjoy the air show and cater them limitless snacks and drinks. There are also different exhibition space packages that are offered to businesses which wish to advertise; corporate exhibit, motor stand for those who wish to exhibit air craft materials, farm equipment or even bigger vehicles, airstrip banner advertising as well as small exhibit stand which is designed for medium to small exhibitors who want to expose their products or services to the public.