I was diagnosed with BP in the BBA – O’neal

Following his eviction out ofthe Big Brother House lastweek Sunday, radio personalityand Dj, O’neal ZibananiMadumo arrived in Botswana lastweek Wednesday to an airportfi lled with fans, friends and familywaiting to welcome him.In an interview with Time Out,he revealed that he was diagnosedwith High Blood Pressure duringhis stay in the house. Respondingto questions about his experiencesin the house, O’neal expressedfrustration and said that given achance to re-enter the Big BrotherAfrica game he would never do it.“Given a chance to enter the BigBrother House again, I would neverever do it again.


It is psychologicallychallenging and scary.There were times when I tried tomake an effort but I got tired. BigBrother is an emotional show. Ifeel it is meant to break you downand really test your character. Youcan never really say you werefully prepared for it because theminute you get in, you go througha lot. I feel that there can never beenough done to prepare you forBBA. At some point in the game,I even got diagnosed with HighBlood Pressure and started takingmedication.”Although he came home withoutthe money, he revealed that hewas glad to have hooked up withTanzania’s Feza whom he saysthat he hopes to continue seeingher after her eviction on Sundaynight.


When speaking about hishighlights, he cheerfully said,“some of my highlights had to bemy time in the Jacuzzi because itwas my fi rst time in it. Anotherhighlight had to be my times inthe diary room and the intellectualchallenges that we were given byBig Brother.”To celebrate his home coming,President Hotel was packedto the brim this past weekend asDjs, O’neal, Bonnie, Kellz andRobby Rob entertained the crowdwith the best of r’n’b and hip hop.O’neal, who was fl anked by hismany fans danced and partied untilthe wee hours of the morning.He said that once the BBA hypehas settled down, he hopes to continuewith radio and building hisbrand .