One of Botswana’s top rappers Tebogo Mapine aka Nomadic who is currently based in South Africa and working as a graphic designer recently shared with Time Out that he is exploring the world of publishing. The rapper revealed that besides working at his music, he is currently working to finish his first book. “I haven’t decided on a title yet as the book is still a work in progress. It is a coffee table themed book on essence, grace and movement, in line with those art publications. The book is only a window to an even bigger vision, a yearning to help bring about change in a positive and big way to another human being through art. This is done in solidarity with the people portrayed in the book. It is also a celebration and my interpretation of a woman in visuals and words, accentuating her intrinsic nature. You could say it is a book of auras too,” he said.
Although he says he can’t mention names yet, he says he worked with women from across the board; from a rising economist, runway models, a teacher, musicians, visionaries and dreamers, to royalty. “The book is inspired by its very central figure and lead Mosadi (a woman.) I have been working on the book for three years now it looks like this year I will complete it.” As the book is still on its working phase, he could not divulge much promising to give details once it was complete and he had finalized on necessary legalities and clearances. “Once finished, Taschen, Scala, Thames & Hudson, and Tate top my list of preferred publishers. Self-publishing would be great too. I’m still educating myself on that though.”
Known largely for his music, this is the first time that Nomadic is taking a chance at writing a book. He says he does not feel like it is a new territory as he has always been a writer. “I have always been a writer if you think about it, it started with my music, I write lyrics for my music. A book would be the same creative process, only different in its aesthetic rendition and platform. So in short, no breaks will be needed from music,” he says. He further hopes that from the book, people will be able to remember a woman’s dignity. On where he drew inspiration for the book and in particular its theme, he quoted Marianne Williamson: “When a woman rises up in glory, her energy is magnetic and her sense of possibility contagious.”