Rise of the Selfie monopod

The hand held, selfie monopod is the latest mobile phone craze to land in our side of the world thanks to the guys at Urban Soul retailer.

With the rise in popularity  of the of self portrait,  this gadget was introduced to capture perfect selfies and full body shots, unique perspectives and low angles without asking for assistance from anyone. It was designed to use with nearly all smartphones or compact cameras. The monopod acts as an extension to the arm, broadening the viewing angle of the shot and the monopod acts like a mini boom so one can get more than just a shot of the face and more of the surroundings. According to Molefi Nkwete of Urban Soul stores, they are looking to stock more monopods because Batswana have shown a huge interest in the newly introduced product.

“The monopod is a worldwide phenomenon now and Batswana do not want to be left behind. So far we are the only store that sells the monopod and the response from Batswana is huge. We are currently expecting to receive more stock to and distribute to different stores as the product is in high demand,” he said.

A number of companies are now selling monopods that not only hold the camera, but are also used to take the shot and even focus the image. The monopods trend is not new as a number of them are available for digital cameras from different companies and brands. But monopods designed especially for smartphones were unveiled at  this year’s Mobile World Congress.