The upcoming fourth BotswanaCongress Party(BCP) democracy alert tobe issued next month will questionthe independence of the IndependentElectoral Commission (IEC)and the appointment of its commissioner,Gabriel Seeletso, party PublicitySecretary, Taolo Lucas hassaid.He said they want to alert thelocal and international audience onthe level of unfairness in electionsand the election process in Botswana.“We shall raise issues relating tothe manipulation of the delimitationprocess, the issues of demarcationof wards and the independence ofthe IEC,” he said.
He noted that as the 2014 generalelections approach, they want thenation and other international observersto appreciate the landscapeof Botswana’s democracy andelections in particular. “We willtarget certain forums. We arefi nalising the details of the alertand in September we will able toissue it out. This is the electionyear; we want to sensitize thenation on the growth of unfairnessof the Botswana elections,”he said.However, IEC Principal PublicRelations Offi cer, OsupileMaroba said the IEC is regulatedby the law. “The IEC implementthe law. Anything that theIEC does is in accordance withBotswana laws.
Anybody whoquestions the independence ofthe IEC should challenge thelaw not the institution becausethe institution was establishedby an Act of Parliament. TheAct stated very clearly the processto be followed in the conductof the elections,” he said.“I do not know what the BCPargument is based on. If at allthey are referring to the lawthen we cannot answer on ourown because the Parliament isresponsible for any law. We canonly come in if they tell us thatwe are not following the law,as far as I am concerned we areacting according to the law,” headded. Meanwhile, the BCP isexpected to issue out their manifestosoon. Lucas said they wantBatswana to familiarize themselveswith it well in time so thatthey make informed decisions interms of voting.