This past weekend, Botswana BoxingAssociation (BoBA) hosted the 9thInterclub boxing tournament at LedumangSenior School as a journey for boxersto qualify for the sought after 2013 NationalBoxing Championship.“The 9th Interclub boxing tournament ispart of the 17 tournaments to be distributedacross the country, to take boxing to the peopleand to promote the sport of boxing in thecountry. So far, areas covered include Maun,Selebi Phikwe, Francistown, Lobatse and Ga-borone while Tsabong, Kang, Gantsi amongothers are yet to be covered.
At BoBA we believethat by taking boxing to the people weencouraging boxing clubs formation,” said thePublicity and Information Secretary of BoBA,Willoughby Kemoen.The Diamond Trading Company (DTCB)Boxing Club hosted the tournament this timearound and over 17 clubs culminating in over80 boxers, including female boxers. Close to40 bounds were on display as the country’sbest boxers showcased their talent and settledscores of the past.In a fl yweight attack, Botswana Meat Commission(BMC ) boxer Khumoetsile Thekisodefeated UB’s Tefo Rammupudu 13-8 onpoints. However, in the men’s light fl yweightbout Willox Garethata of BMC won a boutwith 13-12 against Onkabetse Mookodi whilein the men’s fl yweight bout Modise Malapelaof EMG was defeated by DTCB’s ThusoetsileLekapane by 22-18.
In the Bantamweight of the 56 kg categoryOlebogeng Serwalo of Eastern Military Garrison(EMG) defeated Olatotse Rannobe by 20-17 while Onkabetse Tirelo of SSKB won 14-7against Tirelo Khunou of Kang Boxing Club.In another round of the bantamweight KefentseMolapata of UB won against OmphileTankane of Botho College and Opelo Modungwaof BMC defeated Tlhabaneleng Ditshweneof Glen Valley with 21-16.Travolta Senna lost to Mompati Kabanjeraof Maun in the 60kg bout by 14-18 whileTshepang Babui of DTCB lost to BokamosoMolaudi of Francistown by 9-22.
In women’smatches Kenanao Mosala of Francistown defeatedLorato Oratile of Prisons by 30-13.However, this year marks the end of BoBA’scontract with Kgalagadi Breweries Limitedand currently negotiating a further three-yearcontract to continue to sell Keone Mooka Mageu.According to Kemoen, this year’s prizemoney stands at P155 000, bringing the totalsponsorship to P435 000 in the running contract.