Director for the Directorateof Intelligence andSecurity (DIS) IsaacKgosi together with three agentswere on Sunday involved in anear fatal accident at Sebina villagein the North East.According to a source, thewhite Prado they were travellingin at a very high speed hada tyre burst before rolling. It isrumoured that the four were ona mission to catch the suspectedserial rapist/killer who has beenterrorising the area for the pastfew months.Acting Station Commander ofTati-Town Police, Assistant Su-perintendent Gaolatelwe Phaphi,confi rmed to The Gazettethat Kgosi and his companionswere involved in an accidentaround 10 after the vehicle theywere travelling in had a tyreburst and hit a culvert beforeoverturning.
Phaphe said Kgosiand a female companion weretreated for minor injuries whilethe other two who were seatedat the front were transferred toPrincess Marina Hospital beforebeing transferred to BokamosoPrivate Hospital.In a separate incident Phaphitold The Gazette that a passerbyreported a hit and run incident tothe police after he found a bodylying on Jamal road (in Francistown)in the wee hours of Sundaymorning. Phaphi said theythen found a body of a man agedbetween 20- 30 lying in a poolof blood. He said investigationsare still continuing to determinethe cause of death of the manthey suspect was from a drinkingspot. Phaphi further said theman was not carrying anythingthat could help them identifyhim.
In yet another bizarre incident,Phaphi said they have arrestedsix men for allegedly gutting ahouse with fi re at Sebinanyanelands on Friday night. He saidan old woman was sleepingwhen she saw fi re coming fromanother house in the yard andreported the matter to the Policewho subsequently made arreststhe following morning. The suspectsare said to be Zimbabweansand one of them is suspectedto be responsible for rapes, murdersand burning down of housesin the area over the past fewmonths.