FRANCISTOWN: Ecco CityGreens are mourning thedeath of one of their strikersLesego Tafa who passed away onSunday after a long illness.Though the Club ChairpersonBothibedi Latlhang confi rmed thesad news to Gazette Sports, hedid not want go into details aboutthe death, stating that his parentshad not been offi cially informed.“The details of his passing are stillsketchy but I did receive a call fromone of our team’s committee membersnotifying me about the passingon,” confi rmed Latlhang, addingthat once they know everything,they will announce his death offi -cially.
When reached for comment, theClub’s Welfare Manager AlfredManyomane said he was notifi ed bythe deceased’s mother who calledhim on Sunday morning. Accordingto Manyomane , the versatilestriker had been diagnosed with anunknown diseases for almost a year.“During his stay in the Ecco family,we realized that he was living witha disease which sometimes kept himout of the fi eld as he would go formedical check-ups,” he revealed.“Ever since he joined the team fromMiscellaneous, he was one of thestrikers who were instrumental inalmost all our wins,” he said, lamentingthe loss of Tafa.Tafa started his career at a tenderage when he joined Ecco’s developmentside.
He then registered withCombination Stars where he neverplayed, but was later roped in byMiscellaneous. “He did not staylong at Miscellaneous and since wedeveloped him and understood himbetter, we recruited him. He was in atwo year penned deal which expiredin June but due to his illness we didnot manage to renew it. Though wewere supposed to have renewed it,he was still in Ecco’s payroll becausewe were willing to extend hiscontract,” said Manyomane.