As the world continues to look to Africa for fashion inspiration, Botswana is set to become a fashion hub. This has inspired a group of local fashion experts to form the Botswana Fashion Design Association (BOFDA).
From a state of near non-existence a few years ago, the fashion industry in Botswana is now enjoying a substantial amount of growth with stylish young designers leading the change. BOFDA is an association formed to regulate laws, provide guidelines, support fashion designers as well as strengthen downstream industries countrywide. Speaking to Time Out, the chairperson of BOFDA Gregory Lebekwe said, “We want to see the industry grow because there is just so much potential in the country that needs to be developed. So the aim of the association is to bring Botswana fashion design products to an international level by regulating as well as supporting all fashion experts.”
Quizzed on the standards of garments Batswana designers produce, Lebekwe said, “there are fashion design standards that are already in existence that all designers have to meet. The association also aims to promote adherence to the international market, therefore designers’ work has to meet these standards so as to enable them to produce quality work that can compete in an international market.”
Lebekwe also mentioned that BOFDA will be hosting events such as the BOFDA fashion week, national fashion awards and a fashion auction.