Our nation is in the hands of a pack of wolves and snakes

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Gone are the days when Batswana would ululate at everything our government officials say and do. Gone are the days when he BDP regime would  dictate  nonsense to Batswana in the name of a false Democracy and principles. Our nation has suffered a great ordeal under the Botswana Democratic Party.

The recent deferral of Francistown West Parliamentary Bye-elections genuinely reflects that the Botswana Democratic Party is a self serving party. The party is heavily frustrated by the fact that its ‘said’ favoured son for the constituency failed to meet the registration deadline date of the IEC which was due to their internal contentions. They chewed their own poison. The announcement of the postponement was uttered by the Vice President Kedikilwe on behalf of His Excellency President Ian Khama.

He shocked many when he left and just a few hours after his departure his Vice President dropped the bombshell on Batswana. Who is fooling who? HE  did not  have it in him to announce to Batswana and  he needed a scapegoat which is a category the  Vice President has subscribed to ever since joining politics. The conjecture that more than two thousand people living in the Francistown West constituency signed a petition asking for the bye- elections to be postponed is a fallacious one. If at all people signed a petition, they would have signed one in the middle of the night. This petition is said to be in line with public interest. Well many may argue with it, but the truth of the matter is this is an indirect threat by the militarized Khama regime.

Batswana need to stop hiding the truth and those in government ought to stop openly abusing power and Batswana for their personal gain. The BDP  has put a huge fog before the eyes of Batswana and they have subsequently lost hope in regime change. A realistic move is to take a radical approach forward as the youth of this dying nation. Youth should rally behind the Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC), which has proven itself through the continuous victories in the courts of Law by its President, Cde President Duma Boko.

Duma Boko continues to humiliate the Botswana Democratic Party both in the courtroom and as the President of the Umbrella for Democratic Change. He has fought against social injustice and tribal discrimination towards Batswana. He has been labeled by some as a nobody yet when they are faced with tribulations he always comes to their salvage. We all should acknowledge that we shall never unseat the BDP without the UDC; we shall never overcome these wolves and serpents of deceit without having to stand firmly to our principles as Batswana.

The loss of the court case on Friday was not something unexpected; it had been calculated from the onset. The BDP has inflicted fear in the hearts of Batswana to the extent that even the courts fear to rule against the party. If it was any other day it would have been an honorable thing for opposition parties to boycott the 2014 general elections for surely they are not going to be free and fair.
Kabelo Masvingo Mhuriro