A group of Bakgatla elderswho have since volunteeredthemselves to helpbring sanity to Mochudi, viewSaturday’s vicious attack in their character by deputy Kgosi Sekaiduring a well attended kgotla meeting in Mochudi as reflecting the last kicks of a dying horse. That marathon meeting which lasted about six hours was uncalled for. Sekai convincingly demonstrated his total lack of appreciation of the magnitude of the crisis in Kgatleng. Instead of briefing the Bakgatla on the state of affairs, the leadership vacuum and the administrative setbacks brought about by KgosiKgafela’s absence and his own suspension together with Segale’s, he devoted his energy discrediting the group of concerned elders and was virtually inciting the tribe to riot against them.
He failed dismally to demonstrate how the elders were set to dividethe village. He did not specify what they were doing, other than alleging that they were approaching individuals during the night influencing them against him. The Group of Concerned Elders have placed three issues before the dikgosana;(a) resuscitation of the delegationof nine men that had been detailed by the tribe to go and seeKgosi Kgafela (b) resolution ofthe problem of providing services to the tribe, especially interimmeasures to counteract leadershipvacuum (c) engagement of the dikgosana on the issue of the absence of the Kgosi-kgolo and the implicationof its protraction. He seems to lack the capacity with these matters and relegates them to time and providence.
He seems not to distinguish the trivial from the critical. Bakgatla in these times of crisis and serious problems surrounding their bogosi need a more discerning and enlightened leadership which can productively engage the tribe and government to resolve these issues. He is a complete disaster. We commend some of his uncles and most of his dikgosana who appreciatethe gravity of the bogosicrisis in Kgatleng and hope thatwhile he is at the reins he will accommodateguidance, advice andcooperation in order to coordinateall the efforts made to resolve thebogosi problems in Kgatleng. He should desist from speaking about a divided morafe because it is not divided on any issue. No issues have been debated at the kgotla and as such there is as yet no division of opinion.
If anything the divide could be between those that think he is effective as a suspended leader and those who view him as an utter disaster and totally redundant. As for the poor Segale, he has been described from certain quarters as“collateral damage”.The Concerned Elders’ Group consists of men from Mochudi,Morwa, Bokaa, Oodi andMmathubudukwane. All of them are more knowledgeable on bogosi and administrative issues than all these hostile royal uncles. They started meeting 12 months ago with the aim of dialoguing with the royal house on ways and means of restoring normal community life in Mochudi following some Bakgatla’s displeasure over the prosecution of Kgosi Kgafela II on allegations of unlawful flogging of people in Mochudi.
Immediately after the group had been assembled, it introduced itself to the royal uncles with the aim of ultimately engaging Kgosi Kgafela upon his expected return from Moruleng,South Africa where the morafe had been told he had gone to “address meetings at 32 villages and sort outa few things before returning home in a month or so”. The group’s initial plan was to plead with KgosiKgafela to appoint someone who would discharge the full duties of the office of the Kgosi as well as attending the Ntlo-ya-Dikgosi on his behalf, in the same manner as Kgosi Mothibe did during Kgosi Linchwe II’s rein. Following the surprise announcement by Sekai during the course of last year, that Kgosi Kgafela had vowed never to “return to Botswana unless the government stopped playing”, Bakgatla appointed a ten-man-delegation to visit Kgosi Kgafela wherever he was to verify what Sekai had told them and to plead with him to change his mind and return home.
To date, the delegation has not left for South Africa.The group insists that having chosen people to visit South Africa for a meeting with their Kgosi does not mean that they do not trust Sekai’s version of events regardingKgosi Kgafela’s South Africanstatus. This is purely to hear fromthe horse’s mouth to avoid contradictingversions which may arisein future. The Elders Group feels itwill be unsafe to rely on one man’sword on such a serious matter.Apart from getting it from thehorse’s mouth, the visit to Kgosi Kgafela will give the delegation the opportunity to find out from him what his plans are concerning the leadership vacuum in Mochudiand perhaps advise him accordingly.This is another area where theElders’ Group and Sekai differ ashe sees himself as the only one toaccess the Bakgatla Kgosi on thesematters.
To that, Sekai has misrepresented the Elders Group by shamelessly telling the royal house and a few of his dikgosana that the Elders Group wanted to join the morafe appointed delegation on atrip to South Africa for talks with Kgosi Kgafela. It is not our wish to discuss our issues through the media but we have been forced to introduce ourselves to the public and set the records straight in view of the bad light in which we have been put at the kgotla meeting of June8, 2013.