Why Letsholathebe retired from the Zebras

Zebras’ veteran defenderNdiyapo Letsholathebe’sdecision to retire fromthe national team is a decisionhe had considered since lastyear. Widespread criticism andbeing partly blamed for nationalteam strikes have prompted thedefender to end his internationalcareer.Information leaked to GazetteSport states that the experienceddefender felt unfairly accusedof being one of the ring leadersduring the numerous nationalteam strikes by some membersof the Botswana Football Association(BFA).


A source toldthis reporter that Letsholathebewas often believed to be one ofthe instigators of protests fromZebras players.“He was unfairly singled outbecause he was one of the seniormembers of the team. Somehigh ranking members felt thathe could have done more tocurb younger players when theywere protesting in recent times.We should remember that he isa police offi cer so he could notallow such bad press to tarnishhis image,” said an anonymoussource.The insider stated that Letsholathebewas fed up with beinglinked to every protest in thenational team. “Ndiyapo alwaysdistances himself from suchcontroversy so he felt unfairlyblamed for actions he did not instigate,”added the insider.Football analyst, Fabian Zuluhas offered a different perspective.“Ndiyapo should have soldieredon so as to prove his criticswrong.


He served the nationwell; he should have used hisexperience to prevail from thisdiffi cult phase. I think he made amistake by quitting the nationalteam because he has so much tooffer. He should have stayed onto guide younger players,” saidthe analyst.Zulu continued by stating thatZebras does not have enoughdefensive cover. “Oscar Ncengahas done well when needed butwhat if he gets injured? Nobodywill fi ll that void because mostalternatives lack internationalexperience. I think somethingshould have been done to convinceNdiyapo to play on,” saidthe former Notwane player.