FRANCISTOWN: While Botswanagovernment is callingfor an independent auditinto the recent Zimbabwe elections,some trade unions in Zimbabwehave fi ngered Morgan Tsvangiraifor the loss of Movementfor Democratic Change (MDC),arguing that the MDC leader lacksstrategies for winning elections.The just ended Zimbabwe electionsresults gave Robert Mugabeof the Zimbabwe African NationalUnion-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF)a seventh term in offi ce after he secureda 61 percent win against 31percent of Tsvangirai.
Despite allegationsof irregularities that marredthe vote, the Secretary General ofTeachers Union of Zimbabwe RaymondMajongwe argued that MDCwas beaten by Mugabe’s ZANUPFbecause its leader failed to preparewell in time as he thought itwas an obvious case that the Zimbabweanswill vote for him.“Tsvangirai must blame himselffor the loss because he thought thatjust because Mugabe is old, peo-shows that Tsvangirai lacks basicstrategies of winning the elections.Tsvangirai must stop being a crybaby because he knows very wellthat he failed to be strategic. Whenyou work with Mugabe, you haveto be strategic because he plannedeverything well in time in orderto beat MDC,” argued Majongwewhen giving solidarity message atthe just ended Botswana Sector ofEducators Union (BOSETU).
He said though they do not supportMugabe’s government, Tsvangirai’sintegrity raises morequestions than answers becausehe allowed himself to be used byMugabe. “Tsvangirai takes Zimbabweansfor granted because hehas long betrayed them by gettinginto a coalition government in 2008after he won the elections. He is asellout and the Zimbabweans havelost his trust,” fumed Majongwe.The unionist said while Tsvangiraiis busy appealing for Botswanato lobby other heads of states to callfor fresh elections he will still losebecause he is not strategic. “WhatTsvangirai did is like going to playsoccer but bringing rugby players.This is disheartening because Zimbabweunions are the ones whichhave been fi ghting Mugabe’s leadershipthroughout with the knowledgethat his competitor will havestrategies to topple him but hefailed. So we as the unions areready to engage Mugabe’s regimebecause our pensions have gonedown the drain during his reign,”emphasized Majongwe.