Local artist, playwright and teacher, Aldo Brincat together with a collection of young professionals are working on a coffe-table photo book that will be released in September, in time for the country’s independence.
The photo book titled Diamonds Forever Alive! Celebrating Botswana at 50 is a photographic celebration of selected Batswana who have made an impact on the country’s success story.
“We will be releasing a 300 page coffee book in September in time for independence celebrations. We worked on the book for over 18 months and it will feature about 1000 sang and unsung heroes across the country of Botswana. This book will become a historic barometer for future generations to gauge the country at 2016,” Brincat said.
The patron of the Diamonds Alive! Celebrating Botswana at 50 initiative and Minister of Wildlife, Environment and Tourism Tshekedi Khama commended the effort. “I recognize that it talks about our humble beginning and shows how hard work has built our economy. The book will tell a wonderful story that in years to come we will be able to reflect on. Let us not forget our fore fathers and mothers because they have contributed immensely to what we have today,” he said.
Brincat introduced the book’s vision by hosting a photography exhibition that gave revelers at Grand Palm a glimpse of some of the portraits that will be featured in the book, “The exhibition will have a brief showing at a few of the larger shopping malls with the general public. People are encouraged to participate by nominating their most inspirational person because we need to feature 1000 people for the book,” said Brincat’s partner Phenyo Motlhagodi.
The Diamonds Alive! Celebrating Botswana at 50 is sponsored by Blue Star Diamonds Botswana, PUMA Energy, Botswana Tourism Organisation, The Grand Palm, Benju and Bonvic Holdings.