Book cover designed by fine artist, Wilson Ngoni
“To Rrangolo, with love!” is the title of author Kagiso Madibana’s second book that was officially launched end of last week in Gaborone. The book is a journal of conversations between a young, modern Motswana woman and Rrangolo, which is a Sebirwa term that refers to grandfather. Rrangolo is a man who did everything in his power to make sure that the author had a good life. The young woman wishes her Rrangolo was still around to listen to her stories about the places she has been to and lifetime opportunities she has come across because of his sacrifices.
At the book launch, Madibana revealed that the cover of the novel, which is an illustration of a woman and an old man deep in conversation around a bon fire is an original painting by fine artist, Wilson Ngoni. “Ngoni painted the cover of the book, and illustrated it word for word. It’s like he knew what was going on in my head with this painting. We decided to collaborate because we knew that the arts industry here is still growing and we don’t have publishers. Most of the time we do everything ourselves, so why not just work with each other? Ngoni is quite a big deal and I want to thank him for this collaboration and making time for this painting,” she said.
Sharing some words of encouragement during the book launch, Gaborone Bonnington South MP, Ndaba Gaolathe said it was not enough to dream as a dream that is not supported by a deep hunger and thirst for knowledge will never be realized. He said dreams needed to be nurtured by knowledge, constant learning and reading. Quoting Proverbs 24:3 from the Bible which reads, “The building of a house is by wisdom, and by reason it is made strong”, Gaolathe emphasized that wisdom is how lives are built and understanding is how we are going to establish our future as a people.
“I was actually not suppose to be in Botswana during this book launch but Madibana has been calling me and my office repeatedly to ensure that I come here. When we have young people who demonstrate this kind of zeal and passion, who are driven and propelled by a vision, who are persistent and have that attitude, that hunger and yearn for knowledge, this is a young person who understand the sense of community and I am will to go out of my way to support their vision,” he said.
Gaolathe went on to say, “I have read the summary of the book and it talks about how this granddaughter was inspired by the grandfather. How coincidental because this is just typical of what I have been talking about, because from grandfathers we get wisdom. I am very proud of young people like her who understand that they have a responsibility to share with the rest of the world.”
Madibana who is a Chevening scholar published her first fiction novel, “Tales from the heart of Botswana: Baareng’s Journey” in 2016. She is also one of the confirmed local authors for the Gaborone Book Festival slated for September 21st to the 23rd 2018 at Maitisong where book enthusiasts will get the chance to learn more and buy her latest book.