Fnb staff & the Fnb foundation donate to Kamogelo Day Care Centre

First National Bank Botswana,through its charitable FNB Foundation,has continued its efforts toassist organizations in charitable ways,by donating a brand-new combi valued atP370 000 to Kamogelo Day Care Centrein Mogoditshane In addition to this donation,FNB Staff members at the First NationalInsurance Agency Division utilizedthe FNB Foundation Staff volunteer programmeand collaborated towards revampingthe Kamogelo Day care centre playground. The employees painted the playgroundand erected some facilities to givethe centre a refreshed look. Both the combiand the playground were handed over tothe Centre on 9th August 2013.The FNB Foundation is the structurethat administers the Corporate Social InvestmentFunds of First National Bank ofBotswana.


The Foundation provides theopportunity for greater involvement and co-operation with the community withinwhich the company operates. FNB Foun-dation was established in 2001 as FNB’smain social investment vehicle, offeringassistance to formally constituted non-governmentaland non-commercial organisationswhose activities aim to improve thegeneral welfare of Batswana. Support isoffered in areas of community education,job creation, skills development, arts andculture, community sports and recreationand needy communities, especially children.The FNB Foundation Fund has aStaff Volunteer Programme that affords theBank’s employees an opportunity to identifya project of their choice and committime, share skills or donate funds to supportthe project to achieve its objectives.


On annual basis, FNBB allocates fundsto each Branch/Division for employees toidentify a project in the community deservingof assistance. The employees take partin the developmental processes of puttingand completing structures as part of theirvoluntary gesture.Amongst the key attendees present at thehandover ceremony were Bishop BonifaceSetlalekgosi of the Catholic Church andMrs Dorcas Kgosietsile, a trustee of theFNBB Foundation. “In line with the spiritof giving and helping where we can, theFNB Foundation is excited to be donatingto such a worthy cause. The children of KamogeloDay Care Centre will certainly beat an added advantage with access to saferand more reliable transport through thisheartfelt donation,” said Oratile Moremong,CSR Manager for the FNB Foundation.


Kamogelo Day Care Centre was establishedby the Roman Catholic Churchin 1998 to provide care for orphans andvulnerable pre-school children in Mogoditshaneand surrounding areas. The childrenat the centre have one or both parents infectedby HIV AIDS. The centre is basedon the belief that orphans and vulnerablechildren should be regarded as resourcesrather than victims. Therefore the centreprovides the children with a stigma freeenvironment in which they can enjoy easyaccess to quality education.The relationship between the FNBFoundation and Kamogelo Day Care Centredates back to 2002 when the Foundationcontributed P207, 000 towards theconstruction of a pre-school classroom.


The connection was further strengthenedin 2004, when the Foundation donated acombi to the tune of P312, 000. In 2012 thebanks Distribution Channel’s staff donatedtoys for the children at Christmas as part ofthe Staff Volunteer Projects initiative.“We strongly believe in putting peoplefi rst in everything we do and we know thatwe will continue to help people in all ourcommunities. It is with this essence of givingand helping that FNB will further empowerand enrich communities across Botswana.”added Moremong.