- Democrats question why there was no compulsory transport to manifesto launch like Kang congress
- Accuse the party of enticing them only at elective congress
FRANCISTOWN: The aftermath of the recent controversial Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) Kang special congress seems to still be haunting the party as Northern democrats’ question why the leadership failed to provide compulsory transport to the manifesto launch like they did with the Kang congress.
This comes after the party organised transport for delegates to the recent Kang congress while at the weekend manifesto launch transport was not provided resulting in most of the democrats from different regions remaining behind in protest, citing unequal treatment. This decision, according to the aggrieved is divisive and has the potential to ignite the differences in the party, especially the supporters of the warring Presidential candidates Mokgweetsi Masisi and Pelonomi Venson Moitoi.
“It seems like the compulsory transport was provided just to entice the delegates to support one candidate. Now because there was no contest at the manifesto, launch the party does not care about us and told us to fend for ourselves. This is not good because the party showed us that they only care for us if they need something in return,” said some of the democrats from different constituencies who questioned the decision.
The aggrieved pointed out that they have not taken kindly the decision by the party because at the party congress, Secretary General Mpho Balopi promised that they will continue to provide the democrats with transport whenever there is a party event. “But contrary to what the party promised, the democrats were told to fend for themselves resulting in most of the constituencies failing to send representatives,” added the complainants.
Reached for comment BDP Chairman of Communications and International Relations Kagelelo Kentse said that providing free transport to Kang was not a commitment, but rather an effort by the party to make sure that more democrats attend the historic congress.
“The Kang congress was the first of its kind therefore we wanted as many democrats as possible to witness the historic event. Unlike the manifesto launch where even the non-alliance people could attend, the Kang congress was a historic platform that we needed more democrats to attend,” Kentse said.