BDP ups Campaign as Opposition flounders

  • Says it won’t exploit opposition weaknesses


As opposition parties struggle to find their feet and finalise their alliances, the ruling Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) says their strategy will not exploit weaknesses of the opposition but will earn and reinforce trust with the electorate.

Asked this week on whether they have begun to campaign for the general elections in 2024, Secretary General of the BDP, Kavis Kario, answered: “The activities are part of the continuing efforts to strengthen the party’s connection with the electorate.

“Through such we continue to give and receive feedback on our promises as the party in government.”

No alternative

He said a part of the strategy is to demonstrate to Batswana that there is still no alternative. “As a party in government, we can never rest,” Kario asserted.

“We must remain relevant and continue to respond to the needs and expectations of our people. We are happy that the message we are preaching is falling on fertile ground as we continue to receive many into our fold.”

Kario took advantage of the interview to appeal to members of the BDP across the country to be true ambassadors of the party.

Regarding the state of opposition parties, Kario said the challenges they face are the least of BDP worries.

Programmes and interventions

“Our main objective is to sell our party and appeal to the electorate through our programmes and interventions, which are there for everybody to see,” he asserted.

“If their challenges happen to benefit us, it will be a bonus.”

Botswana’s major opposition parties, the Botswana Congress Party (BCP) and the Botswana National Front (BNF), are currently involved in consolidating their alliances with new like-minded parties following the collapse of the Umbrella for Democratic Change whose forte was the proven popularity and numerical strength of the BCP and the BNF.