Kgosi Kgamane: I Am Scared To Talk About The Khama Situation

Says he will speak when the right time comes


BaNgwato Regent, Kgosi Sediegeng Kgamane, says the animosity between Khama and BaNgwato on one side and the government on the other is causing him much distress and he is too scared to talk about it.
This comes against the backdrop of a petition by a section of the BaNgwato tribe demanding an explanation from him about “the Khama situation”, saying the silence of the Regent on the matter is deafening.
In an interview with The Botswana Gazette this week, Kgosi Kgamane said the way things are unfolding is frightening and that the time for him to speak about the issue has not yet come. “All I am asking from the general public and Ba-ga-MmaNgwato is to be excused from talking about the issue because the unfolding events frighten me,” he emphasised.
“I will not comment on the whole Khama situation or respond to the petition any time soon. The time for me to talk will arrive and I will definitely open up.”
Besides, he added, he does not want to be dragged into the issue and pleaded ignorance about prayers for Khama that were launched this last Sunday. “I am not aware of any prayer session because I was in Shoshong over the weekend,” said the Regent of BaNgwato.
“I am tired of being asked about all these things, especially by the media. I have never rested since last week because everyone expects me to furnish them with answers about what is happening.”
A section of the people of Serowe embarked on three days of prayer for the well-being of the former president who is also the Paramount Chief of BaNgwato on Sunday.
Of recent, the Directorate of Intelligence Service (DISS) has been pursuing him about surrendering guns that allegedly came into his possession when he was the Commander of the Botswana Defence Force from which he retired in 1998.
Khama is currently out of the country after he suddenly left for South Africa earlier this month.
In their recent petition presented to Kgosi Kgamane, a section of BaNgwato demanded the Regent to break his silence in the face of the alleged harassment of Khama that started in 2018. “We humbly request you to answer our concerns. This silence is shocking and we did not expect it,” the petitioners wrote.