- Says Khama will not stand in their way
- Khama intends to lay criminal charges
- Says he is being followed around
Former president Ian Khama is more than welcome to seek redress before the courts for his alleged role in looting of P100 billion from the Bank of Botswana (BoB) because his doing that poses no harm to DISS, the head of the Directorate of Intelligence and Security Services, Brigadier Peter Magosi, has said.
Magosi told The Botswana Gazette this week that DISS will not be interrupted or intimidated by Khama.
“He should go ahead and take it to the courts,” he said. “What are we supposed to do? Stop doing our work? No, we will not stop. These people are simply doing their job.”
Khama also told journalists in SA that he, alongside Bridgette Motsepe and Issac Kgosi who are also implicated but have not been charged in the P100 billion that is allegedly missing at BoB, have engaged an international legal firm. Khama has confirmed that the firm engaged belongs to Cherie Blair, who is the wife of former British prime minister, Tony Blair.
“Already I am happy to say evidence started to emerge, clearly indicating that some of the allegations are false and we have engaged a team overseas to continue with these investigations, to follow up and give us a report which will probably take a couple of months,” Khama said in SA. “That report we will make public so that everyone knows that government sponsored fraud, fabricated evidence.”
He went on to say they had given instructions to their lawyers to launch criminal charges against all individual in the case in addition to the organisations for which they work.
“Everyone from top to bottom in the Government of Botswana who are implicated in it,” he said. “This will unfortunately bring serious and severe damage. It is going to do a lot of damage to our country and even its reputation. But I think it needs to be done to ensure that such kind of criminality is never repeated again.”
It became clear at Khama’s press conference in Gaborone last week that thought of Jako Hubona of the Directorate on Corruption and Economic Crimes (DCEC) as a mere messenger in the case.
Hubona was responsible for providing the controversial affidavit that implicated Khama, Motsepe and Kgosi in the alleged looting of the bank of Botswana.