As President elect, Masisi now has now been given a complete mandate by Batswana to rule for a full term. Being entrusted with the Presidency does not only come with a huge responsibility, it is a position in which he was voted into by the people. Being voted in is a motion of confidence by the majority of Batswana.
Masisi must act like a servant of Batswana and just be an extension of the nation of Botswana. That can be done by simply doing what the majority of Batswana want.
Botswana Democratic Party (BDP)’s overwhelming victory was because Batswana wanted Masisi to be President. In-fact it was not about the BDP. It was about Masisi. People wanted Masisi to lead, and because the only way was to vote the BDP in majority, so they did. Masisi must know that he led a dysfunctional and crumbling BDP, but what he as President promised Batswana, is what made the BDP victorious.
Constitutionally the president of Botswana, in this case Mokgweetsi Masisi enjoys the unfettered prerogative of choosing anybody he wishes to become specially elected Members of Parliament upon endorsement by elected legislators at the commencement of a given parliament term. A self serving President, with little regard for his countrymen and fellow citizens will recycle back into power, those rejected by the ballot to fulfill his political and personal interests and reward those politically aligned to his circle.
Unless in the rarest of circumstances, Masisi must never re-appoint candidates who were rejected at the ballot because majority of Batswana have demonstrated to him that they do not want those candidates back. Masisi has a choice amongst a pool of young Batswana who possess immeasurable technical expertise, who can serve with non-partisan political interest but the hunger to excel in the name of national interest. Specially elected candidates, both parliament and council, should be those that will bring a skill or technical expertise that is scarce and aimed at boosting the effectiveness of the available and democratically nominated ones. They should also address disparities in minority groups like the disabled, advance children’s interest, human rights and women empowerment.
There is an urgent need for some kind of land reforms. Majority of Batswana are landless, yet they have applied for land years back. Under the BDP, the previous leaders and their administration cares less for Batswana, they rather cared for and enriched their few friends and families.
This gave the wealthy and politically connected few, access to all the serviced prime land in urban areas and their vicinities. Consequently, the land is resold to Batswana at unbelievably exorbitant prices. Empty plot prices are as high as P600 000, because demand is so high the few who can afford to, end up buying the land while the majority know that they will remain lifetime tenants to the very guys.
Masisi must improve access to land in the urban and semi urban areas to ordinary citizens. Employment must also be created to Batswana and laws must be put in place against exploitation by employers. Further, corruption must not be tolerated. Fairness and transparency in dealing with taxpayer’s money must be key. Masisi must stop abuse. Millions that disappear on projects that never take off or fail must stop. Every Pula should empower Batswana.