Teacher specialization will improve primary school results-BOSETU


FRANCISTOWN: Botswana Sectors of Educators Trade Union (BOSETU) President Kwenasebele Modukanele has called on the government to consider teacher specialization in primary schools.
Speaking at the BOSETU annual conference over the weekend, Modukanele said that  if introduced, specialization will improve academic performance in primary schools since a teacher will only focus on subjects they are good at. “Teaching all subjects by a single teacher is one of the contributing factors to poor performance of students because there is no how a person can be good at all subjects,” he said.
He expressed concern at the delay of this intervention, saying it was unclear why government had not implemented it. “Specialization is long overdue therefore, government should introduce it in order to improve academic performance,” he reiterated. Modukanele is adamant that the prevailing poor results are linked to the fact that some teachers are not effective with some subjects.
“Even though teachers’ job descriptions dictate that they should teach all subjects, some are not good at some of the subjects and this ends up affecting students negatively,” he said.