Visitors to Kazungula Bridge may be charged a fee

  • Pedestrians currently banned from the bridge
  • Council explores ways of generating income from the spectacular landmark


People may soon be charged a fee to visit and view the design masterpiece and paragon of construction engineering that is Kazungula Bridge, the Chairman of Chobe District Council, Amos Mabuku, has said.

An influx of tourists has led to a temporary ban on visits to the bridge as the council considers how to use the spectacular landmark as a source of income.

“This bridge and services offered there are a first of its kind on our shores,” Mabuku told The Botswana Gazette. “We therefore want to use it to the fullest potential and are exploring ways of generating income from it. Visitors to the bridge will be charged a certain amount.”

He appealed for patience among people of Kazungula and nearby Kasane, as well as Batswana and people further afield, who are not pleased that they cannot take in the enhanced sights of the Zambezi River where four countries – Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Namibia – meet while the council consults with Botswana Tourism Organisation (BTO).

“Pedestrians are barred from the bridge but we do understand their frustrations,” Mabuku said. “Members of the public should understand that running a one-stop border post comes with lot of challenges.”