Botswana People’s Party is gravely concerned with the manner in which Minister of Environment, Natural resources Conservation and Tourism Mr. Tshekedi Khama, the brother to the seating President of our Country is said to be handling business. This is in direct reference to his hand at the Botswana Tourism Organisation.
We are in full knowledge that quite recently, a lady surnamed Blackbeard (daughter of the Roy Blackbeard) was appointed at the Botswana Tourism Organisation at the instruction of Minister Khama and that amount to the tune of P17 million was authorised and shipped to Dubai still under the watch of Minister Khama, these we hear were done outside known legal parameters and known governmental procedures and processes. These we know from the deliberations of the Committee on Statutory Bodies and state Enterprises.
Botswana Peoples Party is also aware that The Botswana Tourism Organisation has been paying office space rent to the tune of P79, 000.00 a month for 5 employees. These seems to be but a tip of the iceberg.
We, at Botswana Peoples Party therefore urge members of the public, media houses and the rest of the civic society to mount pressure of President Khama and his government to hold Minister Tshekedi to account for what seems to be a ministry run with outmost recklessness.
Botho Seboko
Secretary General at Botswana People’s Party.