On 16th of June, the Ngamiland Council of Non-Governmental Organizations will commemorate the Day of the African Child.
The Day of the African Child was first initiated by the Organization of African Unity, now called the African Union in honour of the children who participated in the Soweto uprising calling for better quality education. This day has since been commemorated across the continent with the aim of raising awareness on the importance of children’s rights.
On 16th June 2016, NCONGO will recognize the advances that Botswana has made in protecting children’s rights through the enactment of the Children’s Act of 2009, which is the most progressive legal document in ensuring the full protection of children’s rights, and the creation of the Department of Child Protection at Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development. The Education institutions continue to play a critical role in safe guarding children’s right to education. Law enforcement agencies play a key role in ensuring the full implementation of the Penal Code and equal application of the law to all citizens of Botswana. Communities and traditional leadership institutions have a role to play in ensuring that abuse of children’s rights are reported and children provided with the necessary psychosocial support. These complementary roles ensure that children can grow up fully enjoying their right to life as stipulated in their Act.
NCONGO notes with disappointment legal and structural limitations within our system that have made children increasingly vulnerable to abuses. Several factors, including lack of sufficient legal protections for children, discrepancies within the law, limited protections within the family setting, poverty, sexual abuse and exploitation of children, families suffering from gender based violence , all challenges implementation of the Children’s Act. .
NCONGO remains committed to increasing awareness on the need to safe guard children’s lives and facilitate processes through which citizens explore effective solutions to contemporary challenges affecting the comprehensive protection of children’s rights. NCONGO calls all stakeholders to take one step further in making children’s rights a practical reality going into Botswana’s Vision 2036. We call on all stakeholders to join us as we march for Children’s Rights on 16th June 2016.
The March starts at New Mall Complex. We will converge at 0645hours.
For more information please contact NCONGO at 686 2851 or email Lame Olebile at l.c.olebile@gmail.com.
We look forward to your participation.
NCONGO Commemorates Day of the African Child on June 16
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