In pursuit of chess developmentlocally, Botswana Chess Federationreinforced their continuousattempts to nurture imminent talentby holding a developmental initiativewhich saw 21 Batswana chess coachestrained and awarded chess trainingqualifi cations by Grandmaster DejanBojkov from Bulgaria.Cinky Boikanyo, who was awardedthe highest chess coaching accolade,expressed his delight for being the fi rstMotswana to be awarded this qualifi cation.“This is a great achievement forme and the nation at large as I am nowin a better position to raise competitiveplayers who can represent the countryacross borders,” he shared with GazetteSport.
According to the WorldChess Federation (WCF) website, thisaward is recognized by all countries inthe world affi liated to the WCF and affordsits recipients the opportunity totrain all players with the rating of upto 2450. Boikanyo is also recognizedas the National Examiner who can conducttraining seminars for all existingand aspiring trainers/coaches locally.During an interview with this publication,Boikanyo stressed the needfor the Botswana Chess Federationto engage them(qualifi ed trainers) inthe running of the federation since inthe past unqualifi ed people were usedto train players. He also expressed hisdisappointment at the federation’sfailure to pay for their accreditation.
“I paid for my training which saw megraduate as the only FIDE trainer inBotswana and I strongly hold the viewthat the federation should extend itshelping hand in the future,” the FIDEtrainer lamented.Israel Makwati, who has a great trackrecord of voluntarism in the developmentof chess locally, was awarded theFIDE instructor license. When reachedfor comment, Makwati couldn’t hidehis excitement for his achievementwhich he says has cemented his loveand passion for chess. “This award hasmotivated me to keep working hardwith the hope that one day I will alsobe awarded one of the highest coachingaccolade,” he said.Makwati further shared with GazetteSport that Botswana Chess Federationis doing a great job increasing the numberof local qualifi ed coaches.
“This isa good move that will help us to producea good crop of players in future,”he alluded.According to the Botswana ChessFederation Public Relations Director,Neoyame Katisenge, Botswana ChessFederation is currently in talks withthe Ministry of Education to introducechess at primary schools country wide.When reached for comment on thisnew development, Boikanyo praisedthis initiative which he said will helpstudents to grow intellectually andhelp to deter them from engaging inunpleasant behaviors.