Polokwane City trio cleared to face Celtic

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Polokwane City’s newsignings Ntesang Simanyana,KekaetsweMoloi and Galabgwe Moyanahave fi nally received their internationalclearances. Theplayers have been sidelinedwhile awaiting approval oftheir moves to the PremierSoccer League (PSL) club andthey are likely to make theirdebut later this month if selected.Botswana Football Association(BFA) Chief ExecutiveOffi cer Tebogo Sebego toldthis publication that the players’international clearanceswere approved last week.Moloi and Moyana joined theclub in June while Simanyanawas signed last month afterimpressing the side’s technicalteam during trials.


Polokwane City has receivedall the internationalclearance certifi cates andwork permits. Media reportsin South Africa revealed thatthe players could have beenavailable for the club’s fi rstleague game against MaritzburgUnited but it was not possiblebecause of a few glitchesduring the process of registeringthem.The newly promoted side’snext league fi xture will beagainst Bloemfontein Celticon August 28 at the OscarMpheta Stadium. Thematch could put them againsttheir Zebras teammate, JoelMogorosi.The arrival of the trio inthe PSL has ensured that Botswanawill have its highestever number of exportsin the league. There will be10 Botswana players in theSouth African top fl ight in the2013/14 season.