Botswana Housing Corporation intends to dispose the following vehicles by way of Closed Bid Tender. Interested parties shall be requested to collect Bid/Offer Forms starting 9th January 2017 at the addresses stated on the last paragraph.
Closing date is 31st January 2017 at 1400 hours.
B824 AUC Mahindra Scorpio (D/Cab with Canopy) 2011 White 98143km P47.000.00
B830 AUC Mahindra Scorpio (D/Cab with Canopy) 2011 White 81306km P47,000,00
- The vehicles are sold “As is”.
- Only Bank Guaranteed Cheques made in favor of Botswana Housing Corporation shall be accepted.
- Payments shall be made within three (3) working days of being notified of the Sellers’s acceptance of offer.
- Bids/Offers below the reserve price will not be considered.
- Bids/Offers submitted after the deadline stated below will not be considered.
- The vehicles must be removed from BHC premises immediately after payment has been made.
- Only citizens and 100% citizen owned companies may participate in this bid.
- Certified copies of Omang and company documents must be attached to the completed Bid/Offer Form.
- Interested parties shall be allowed to bid only once per vehicle. Submission of more than one bid/offer per vehicle may lead to disqualification.
- Botswana Housing Corporation reserves the right to accept any offer it deems suitable, or to not accept any offer at all. The Seller’s decision is final and no correspondence shall be entered into.
Completed Bid/Offer Forms must be submitted in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked: BHC Tender/Bid Disposal of Motor Vehicles 2017.
All bids must be deposited in the Tender box situated on the ground floor at BHC Head Office, Corner Mmaraka & Station Roads, and Plot 4773 Gaborone on or before 31st January 2017 at 14:00 hours. The tender opening will be done shortly after tender closure and bidders who wish to attend may do so.
The two vehicles are parked at our BHC Property Sales Department and Francistown Offices respectively. Please contact Mr. Isaac Letsholathebe – Tel: 3605206 and Onalenna Manthe 2415080 for viewing arrangements. Bids Forms can be collected at our Procurement Section at both BHC Head Office and Francistown Offices respectively.