‘Ngu’ is a label of a locally crafteddesigner bag collection that boastsa high quality craftsmanship andgreat attention to detail. The ‘safarichic’ range includes handbags, travelbags, totes and messenger bags andlimited rifl e carrier bag, all hand craftedwith genuine leather of various animalhides.“We use leather from cows, crocodileand zebra,” the brand’s sales manager,Brynn Morgan said in an interviewwith Time Out. The sophisticatedbag collection is individually craftedfrom fi ne raw materials, includinghand selected leather hides, Africanprint fabric and solid antique brass fi ttings.
The interior of the bags in contrastto the neutral toned leather exterior,is lined with vibrant patternedGerman print fabric (leteise), giving ita unique ‘Botswana fashion’ touch.Another unique fact about the labelis the history of its designer. Ngu is thebrain child of Amy Ruth, wife of a formerambassador of the United States ofAmerica to Botswana. Ruth used to bea designer at one of the world’s mostrecognized lifestyle brands, TommyHilfi ger, a US clothing company.“Our bags were designed by AmyRuth, the wife of the former AmericanAmbassador,” Morgan shared.
Shecreated the range during her stay inthe country, deciding to put her fashiondesign expertise to use while shehad plenty time on her hands in thecountry.The bags are suitable for the corporatelad, the fashion conscious woman,the metro-sexual man as well as theAfrican outback explorer. Ngu bag linecomes in four different colours; black,cigar brown, tan and brighter cherryred. Although not yet fully launchedinto the fashion market, Ngu bags arecurrently available at Mmabolao at Sebeleshopping centre in Gaborone.