League champions MochudiCentre Chiefs have movedswiftly to respond to theimminent exit of Madinda Ndlovu.The club has earmarked a replacementfor the outgoing coach;the Zimbabwean’s two year contracthas expired and he is nowfree to negotiate terms with otherclubs. They have agreed a twoyear deal with Beston Chambesiand the deal will be fi nalized nextweek.The club will reunite with theZambian coach Chambesi, amove which was recommendedby the club’s president, MacleanLetshwiti, according to sources.His appointment will be histhird spell at the club he joinedin 2003.
He left a year and a halflater before returning in 2008where he spent another year as theclub’s head coach. Chiefs’ PublicRelations Offi cer, Clifford Mogomotsi,confi rmed the appoinment.“We have to move on. We haveagreed a two year contract withChambesi and he was in Botswanaover the weekend. He will beoffi cially unveiled next week, heis a decorated coach and he hasworked with us before. His previousspells at the club were enjoyablefor everyone associated withthe club and we are looking forwardto working with him again,”said Mogomotsi.
The team had previously beenconsidering handing the reignsto their assistant coach InnocentMorapedi who has been theirlongest serving technical teammember; however, they havenow turned their attention to theformer Power Dynamos coachwho has enjoyed a successfultime in Zambia. Morapedi willcontinue as the assistant coach.The club acknowledged thatChambesi’s short-lived terms inthe past was due to the club’s previousfi nancial diffi culties.
“Thistime we are confi dent of a longerstay with him because we havethe fi nancial muscle to keep himhere,” added the Chiefs PRO.Magosi had also been linkedwith an unnamed Serbian coachin the past week before Chambesi’sname was mentioned. Thisreporter is reliably informed thatLetshwiti has strong links to Serbiasince he helped to lure formerZebras coach Jelusic Veselin fromAngola in 2002.Since the club is in the processof privatization they would havebeen able to afford the Serbiancoach but they seem to have optedfor the Zambian who is a relativelycheaper alternative.Information reaching GazetteSport states that the club is strugglingto fi nalize their dispute withtheir outgoing coach.
The formerHighlanders coach is allegedlyseeking payments from Chiefs,he is reportedly owed in excess ofP100 000.The amount stems from theclub’s alleged failure to pay hissigning on fee plus winning bonuseswhich amount to approximatelyP60 000 for the past twoseasons. Newspaper reports alsostate that he lent the club P10000 earlier this year. When askedabout Madinda’s situation, Mogomotsisaid, “We do not knowwhere he is, and we have notreleased any information aboutsuch debts,” he concluded.Madinda is widely tipped tojoin the Kgatleng giants’ rivals,Township Rollers.