The biggest and most prestigioushorse-racing event in Africa is uponus and those attending the event areswooning with excitement. The VodacomDurban July 2013 is billed for this comingSaturday in the tourist city of Durban, thethird largest city in South Africa.The excitement brought up by this eventsurpasses that of any other event on the Africancontinent. Thousands are expected towitness South Africa’s best thoroughbredsrace down the tracks and straight to thefi nishing point. More than that, the DurbanJuly is host to Africa’s crème de la crème offashion. “Posh? Oh My Gosh!” is the themefor this year’s event.
Because this is such aprestigious fashion event, time for preparationof outfi ts is required.One of Botswana’s top fashion houses,Blacktrash, have in the past years designedoutfi ts for the Vodacom Durban July attendeesand are currently readying for it. Blacktrashspokesperson, Gerty Motopameleshared with Time Out; “This event is everyfashion designer’s dream. It is like the DisneyWorld of fashion, every designer wantstheir creation there at one point or the other.So it is very important that local designersget their work on such a platform so as togain recognition in the international market,especially the upcoming designers.”Motopamele further said “even thoughwe haven’t been there physically, we havebeen lucky enough to have customers whoattend because the themes of the event usuallyfavour our avant-garde style.”
Commenting on this year’s theme, M otopamelesaid “from what I gather, this year’stheme is for a posh race day, not an eveningevent so people should keep this in mind. Itis a very stylish and classical theme with atouch of elegance so I would advise thoseattending to stay away from anything thatis too melodramatic. All aspects of the look- the hat, accessories and shoes should betaken into consideration.”In contrast, upcoming fashion designercurrently making his mark in the fashionindustry, Aobakwe Molosiwa had a differentview; “For local designers, a platformas big as the Durban July needs some seriousthought before being pursued. One hasto put into consideration their target market,their production capacity and the factthat most of their potential clientele fromthe Durban July may not necessarily beBatswana,” he said.
He further indicated that this is particularlytroublesome for local designers becauseit is not easy having to courier theirclient their orders and not be there for fi ttings.“However, if multiple orders areplaced by retail buyers, where fi ttings withthe fi nal consumer are not necessary, thenthis can be easily managed from Botswanawithout the hassle of travelling or relocating,”he said.However, one may ask what Durban Julymeans to the average Motswana. “To methis event means three things; fashion, foodand fun. I don’t travel a lot but every oncein a while I like to spoil myself with a tripso I am excited because I know the fashionthere is out of this world, and on top of thatI get the opportunity to rub shoulders withthe who’s who of Africa,” said Tebo Roberts,an accountant at a local bank, who willbe attending the event for the fi rst time.
Business Development Manager ofTRL Travel, Keba Dibe said in an interviewwith Time Out; “A good number ofBatswana are not very much intrigued bythe prospect of having to travel outside theconfi nes of the borders of their country. Asa way of promoting travels to especially theZulu Kingdom of Durban, among the localfold, TRL Travel American Express haspartnered with TZKN and Air Botswana topromote exciting packages to Durban.”She further added that the fi rst real experienceof Durban will be this month whereTRL Travel American Express offers anopportunity to feel the thrill of the race atthis year’s Vodacom Durban July, which isAfrica’s greatest horse racing event.