Motswana jazz artistbased in Toronto,Canada, TrinityMphoeng is scheduled to performat the 25th Afrofest eventwhich will be held this weekendin Canada. Afrofest is Toronto’slargest African cultural event ofthe summer that celebrates Africanmusic and culture.Trinity will be the fi rstMotswana artist to perform forthe masses in this much lovedfestival. Some of the greateststars of African music who haveperformed at the event includeamongst others, South Africangreat, Hugh Masekela, PapaWemba, Amampondo, OumouSangare, African guitar summit,Mzwakhe Mbuli, Thomas Mapfumoand Zimbabwe’s OliverMtukudzi.Speaking in an interview withTime Out, Trinity expressed hisenchantment for being one ofthe selected artists to take partin this year’s event proceedings.
“It is a great honour for me tobe selected to showcase my talentat this festival that mostlyattracts about 100, 000 peoplefrom all parts of the world. It’salso a great achievement forour local entertainment industryto have a Motswana artist performin an international stageof this magnitude because nowthe world will know about ourcountry,” said the talented musician.Trinity will share the stagewith the likes of Alpha Blondyfrom Ivory Coast and one ofthe world’s most popular reggaeartists and classic highlife singer,Jewel Ackah from Ghana.Also scheduled to perform isCulture Force (Nigeria), NjackoBacko and Kalimba Kalimba(Cameroon), Okavango AfricanOrchestra (Trans Africa)Waleed Kush (Sudan), DonneRoberts (Madagascar), KaeSun (Ghana), Ijo Vudu (Nigeria)and Jean Asamoah (IvoryCoast).
The festival will also featuremusic and dance workshopsfor musicians which will seethe following sharing theirknowledge with other musicians;Sani Abu (dance), AmadouKienou (drum), EvelynMukwedeya (mbira), BokwaDemos (dance), performancesby Runs Tee, Concept Books,Jemini, Destiny, Hodan Hussein,Vital, Spoken, Star 5 andothers.Trinity is also scheduled toperform at the Africa FashionWeek which will be held onAugust 15th. The show will alsofeature fashion designers fromvarious African countries.