The Umbrella for DemocraticChange (UDC) partymembers are expected towithdraw their symbols from theIndependent Electoral Commission(IEC) in a few weeks’ time toallow the registration of the UDCsymbol, according to the UDCsecretary general, GomolemoMotswaledi.He said that the symbol that willbe used in next year’s general electionswill be the Umbrella symbol,adding that its current presidentDuma Boko will be the Presidentialcandidate and that the partycontesting elections will be theUDC.
He also pointed out that BotswanaMovement for Democracy(BMD) completed its patentingprocess some months ago “and theBotswana National Front (BNF)and the Botswana People’s Party(BPP) are in the process now.” Hefurther said that the UDC symbolwould neither cause any confl ictnor occasion any problems.Contrary to the alleged dissatisfactionsof some BNF members onthe allocation of constituencies betweenthe two parties, Motswaledinoted that there is more satisfactionwith how constituencies havebeen allocated than there are dissatisfactions.He highlighted that the problemis that, in politics there is no oneside of political merit. He said thatit is up to the leaders to assist theprocess of collective view. “Theprocess calls for compromise andI can assure you that the leadershipat all levels are dealing with theseissues and some have already resolvedthem.