University of Pretoriamidfi elder Dipsy Selolwanehas signed a newone year contract with the PremierSoccer League (PSL) club.The 35- year- old also confi rmedthat he is likely to retire fromprofessional football after the2013/14 season.The former Zebras midfi elderjoined the Pretoria based side atthe beginning of last season afterbeing released by SupersportUnited. Selolwane played a keyrole in helping the side secure atop eight position in their debutseason in the PSL.The experienced midfi elder,who was hailed as one of the leadersof the team by Steve Barker,the club’s head coach has captainedthe side on numerous occasions.Last season he featuredin 21 out of 30 league games forAmatuks.
After confi rming hiscontract extension with the clubhe will now enter his eighth consecutiveseason in the PSL.Botswana’s longest servingplayer in the South Africanleague told Gazette Sport thatthe 2013/14 season could be hislast as a professional player. “Iam delighted to have extendedmy stay at the club. My next stepcould be retirement after this seasonbut I have not made up mymind yet. However, there is astrong possibility that I could calltime on my professional career,”said Selolwane.“I want to retire at the top ofmy game and I want to be rememberedin a positive way inwhat could possibly be my lastseason. People have asked me ifI have any desire to end my playingdays in the Botswana PremierLeague but I have politely ruledit out,” he continued.Dipsy is haunted by the fact thathe has not scored a goal in thePSL for the past two seasons.
Hisrole as a holding midfi elder hasrestricted his box to box movementaccording to the player. Selolwanejoined the PSL as a striker,scoring 13 goals in 45 leagueappearances for Santos. He wasconverted into a midfi elder aftermoving to Ajax Cape Town in2008.“Football is a team effort and Iwill gladly sacrifi ce my personalglory for the team but it would benice to score at least one goal thisseason. That would be the icingon the cake as far as my PSL careeris concerned,” he added.The former Nedbank Cup winnerstated that his club is eager toreplicate last season’s form andremain in the top half of the PSLtable. “If we maintain our hardworkingmentality we can fi nishthe season in a respectable positionagain. The squad is ready toprove that last season’s exploitswere not a fl uke,” he concluded.University of Pretoria lost theirfi rst game of the league seasonthis past Saturday with MorokaSwallows beating them by a solitarygoal from Lerato Chabangu.Selolwane made an appearance asa 54th minute substitute.