League champions MochudiCentre Chiefs are confi dentof retaining the servicingof title winning coach MadindaNdlovu. The club offered him adeal last week Wednesday andare awaiting his response. However,reports in South Africa indicatethat Platinum Stars areclosely monitoring the situationand ready to pounce for the Zimbabweantactician.Ndlovu is currently in Zimbabwefor personal reasons andis expected to return next weekMonday. This reporter is reliablyinformed that Chiefs offered hima proposal and he is still consideringthe offer but the club is indanger of missing out on extendinghis contract since Dikwenaare looming with a counter offer.
The Premier Soccer League(PSL) club is in search of a newcoach after Cavin Johnson movedto Supersport United. An onlinepublication from Kickoff.com lastweek stated that Stars have madecontact with Ndlovu because ofhis contract situation.The speculation linking Madindawith a move to either the PSLor Township Rollers does not fazehis current club. Magosi’s PublicRelations Offi cer, Clifford Mogomotsi,told Gazette Sport that thecoach has given them assurancesof continuing in his current postbut refused to rule out the possibilityof a departure.“We value his services and wehave offered him a proposal whichwe believe is good enough for himto stay.
We have done our part andwe are now expecting a responsefrom him. We are at an advancedstage of negotiations and he hasnever given us any indication ofhaving second thoughts aboutstaying on board. He has alreadydrawn a plan for next season andthat shows us that he is committedto our project, however, anythingcan happen in football. You’ll neverknow,” explained Mogomotsi.Meanwhile the club has alsobeen given the green light to pursuetheir privatization process.This publication had previouslyreported that businessman SayeedJamali is poised to purchase a 60percent stake in the club. The matterwas discussed during the club’sAnnual General Meeting (AGM)on Sunday according to Mogomotsi.
He confi rmed that members ofthe club reached a consensus interms of handing over the club toa new investor. “The new ownerwill get 60 percent of the shareswhile the Supporter’s Trust willget 10 percent of the shares. Wehave decided to do away with ourSociety status and instill a Supporters’Trust which will have acommittee. The committee will beelected in due course,” he continued.The PRO added that the remaining30 per cent shares will be upfor grabs for any interested investors.The shares will only be availablefor two months. If they arenot purchased in the next monthsthey will be availed to certain individualswho are believed to beChairman Ernest Molome andMaclean Letshwiti.
He concluded by confi rmingthat they have fi nally been givenpermission to conduct talks withRollers striker Onalethata Tshekisoand they will approach Popawith a fi rm offer. Extension Gunners’Mponang Mponang is alsoon the club’s radar after they expressedinterest in signing him byseeking permission to negotiate adeal with him.