Mochudi Centre Chiefs’incoming coach,Dragojlo Stanojlovic,is a much travelled coach whohas previously coached 15 clubsthroughout his coaching career.The Serbian coach will be unveiledon Wednesday (14th August)according to Chiefs’s PRO,Clifford Mogomotsi.Magosi will be his 16th club in17 years; he has coached in theSerbian League as well as thelower tiers of the league in thepast few years. Stanojlovic alsoenjoyed a 16 year playing careerin Serbian football, having playedfor Partizan Belgrade (also knownas FK Partizan) which is the secondmost successful team in Serbianfootball history and for fi veother clubs.
He retired in 1986after fi ve years at FK Loznica.The 57 year old coach was expectedto arrive on Friday lastweek but he was delayed due toVISA issues. The experiencedcoach fi nally arrived in Botswanaon Monday, and is expected tosign a three year deal with theleague champions.Chiefs’ president, Maclean Letshwiti,who is believed to havebeen an infl uential fi gure in therecent appointment of Stanojlovic,is reported to have connectionswith Serbia. He alsointroduced former Zebras coachVeselin Jelusic to the local scenein 2000.Mogomotsi also revealed thatthey had been fed up in their effortsto appoint Beston Chambesiwho opted to stay in the ZambianLeague.
“He told us to wait untilOctober and we didn’t knowthat he had been in contact withanother club in Zambia. We hadto move on because we were runningagainst time, our new coachwill be unveiled on Wednesday,”said Mogomotsi.The Chiefs PRO also stated thatStanojlovic has proposed to havehis own technical team and he isalso expected to bring his with hisown assistant coach, Darko Gasic.Innocent Morapedi will stillbe a part of the technical team accordingto Mogomotsi. “We needcontinuity in the coaching department;Morapedi will be useful tothe new coach since he knows theclub very well. His experiencewill help the coach to adapt to thesurroundings,” he added.