“Every year on 18 July, the day Nelson Mandela was born, we devote 67 minutes of time to helping others as a way to mark Nelson Mandela International Day,” SA High Commissioner
The South African High Commission in partnership with Nayang Association, Liberty Life, Choppies Group, Seabelo Express and CA Sales in honour of Nelson Mandela Day commemorations donated 70 pairs of shoes to Hatsalatladi Primary School and food hampers to an orphan care program in Gabane this past weekend.
According to High Commissioner Mdu Lembede, the commemorations were postponed as they initially clashed with Botswana’s President’s day celebrations.
“Every year on 18 July, the day Nelson Mandela was born, we devote 67 minutes of time to helping others as a way to mark Nelson Mandela International Day. In November 2009, the UN General Assembly declared 18 July “Nelson Mandela International Day” in recognition of the former South African President’s contribution to the culture of peace and freedom,” he said.
According to Lembede, this was recognition of Mandela’s dedication to serving humanity in the fields of conflict resolution, race relations, the promotion, up-liftment of the poor and protection of human rights among other things.
For her part Kagiso Madibana of Nayang Association applauded the effort of contributing organizations even though she said more could be done to keep their charitable projects sustainable. “We rely heavily on private donations and at times we use funds from our own pockets. We know that what we are donating won’t last as long as we would have hoped but we wish more people and organizations can hop on board to assist,” she said, also expressing a wish that organizations could give back to communities like in South Africa.
While he said they wanted to give back to different charitable organizations each year, Lembede said they wanted to sustain projects they are already engaged with.“We are currently in talks with South African business forum to assist us. We are also working towards having a major South African construction company to donate a centre in Botswana as well as other partners who will facilitate the centre with other things such as computers. All details will be revealed soon,” he said.