A lawyer by profession, this ex-investment banker has added viticulture and viniculture to his range of expertise and is courting the tourism sector for support. Staff Writer GOSEGO MOTSUMI reports
From the vineyard to a drinking glass, wine is a poetry written in taste, each wine is a unique experience that needs an ambassador to share it with the world.
Boikanyo Kgosidintsi is one such Wine Ambassador at Large who has dedicated a large part of his adult life to the humble grape.
In the course of time, his entrepreneurial spirit has driven him to set up his own wine marketing company, Wine By Dzyne.
“I don’t work exclusively for a brand but provide a service to an industry,” he says in an interview. “That is what a Wine Ambassador at Large does. “I have always had a passion for wine.
Wine list
“When I moved to South Africa in 2008, this passion grew as I discovered more wines. When I travelled, I would fly business class and was provided with a wine list. I would disembark with the list and then go looking for the particular wines to enjoy.”
A lawyer by profession and ex-investment banker, Kgosidintsi completed courses in Introduction to South African Wines and Certificate Wine from the Cape Wine Academy in March and June 2023 respectively.
His company, “Wine By Dzyne,” was incorporated this year and specialises in curating, marketing and events. The company also develops bespoke wine lists for the hospitality industry and discerning individuals.
Viticulture and viniculture
Services include hosting wine tastings, professional expertise to enhance classic food and wine pairings and training courses in wine.
“I just drank wine until last year when I decided I wanted to study and get a formal education in wine. The training entailed two broad subjects – viticulture, which covers everything to do with the grapevine, and viniculture, which is the production of wine.
“Locally, what people do out of habit is go out and get drunk. That is the culture. The culture that I am trying to cultivate is one of knowledge, firstly by knowing what this beverage is and the dos and donts.”
Skills gap and tourism
Taking Time Out through the basic requirements of a wine tasting, Kgosidintsi says it is important to walk into the experience with an open mind and avoid spicy food, strong perfumes, applying lipstick and drinking before the tasting because these may change the taste buds.
Wine By Dzyne’s vision is to integrate the tourism sector in Botswana into the knowledge economy by leveraging their expertise in wine, execution capabilities and education to curate an authentic Cape winelands experience in Botswana for the old and new generation of wine drinkers.
Kgosidintsi shares that there was a skills gap in the market when he established the business. “So I identified the gap and went to study in order to positions myself in a niche market with the knowledge that not everybody has,” he says.
More consumer awareness
“If you read the national tourism strategy and policy that was approved by cabinet two years ago, it highlights very specifically that there is a skills gap in the tourism industry at all levels.
“To accelerate my entry into the market, I need the support of the tourism industry and the government because they highlighted the skills gap.”
The wine professional has been in the field since July this year and says although it’s not enough to sustain him, there is interest in the work he does as he has been with some clients.
He has concluded that he needs to do more public education and consumer awareness before people can understand his services.