Akheel Jinabhai & Associates Honours Clients


Clients of corporate law firm, Akheel Jinabhai & Associates (‘AJA’) have applauded them for their continued specialised professional legal service, particularly in property law, an area of specialisation for the recently established firm.

On the sidelines of AJA’s recent client appreciation dinner held at Ba Isago Conference centre last week, Lesang Magang, Managing Director of Phakalane Estates said their company owes its considerable growth to the professional legal advice fromAJA.

Magang said the law firm has been providing legal services to Phakalane Estates for years now. He said Phakalane’s relationship with Akheel Jinabhai stretches as far back as his graduation from law school where he began his career at Magang & Co. “Everything that we do in property development has a degree of legal agreements and disputes. As we grew, our problems grew bigger and we needed a law firm that has a depth of skill in property market. So with AJAwe never saw the need to seek further specialised knowledge,” he said.

Founder and CEO of Apex Properties Umesh Loona, described AJA as a, “legal expert in property and real estate, 80 percent of his portfolio is in property so we know that we get specialised attention,” he said.

Managing Partner, Akheel Jinabhai said the firm was established in 2006 and later merged with Desai Law Group (DLG). After a fulfilling partnership with Rizwan Desai, AJA was re-established with Jinabhai’s focus on personalised and customer centric legal services. Jinabhai said his clientele is what currently defines his law firm, together with his professional staff. The event was an opportunity to announce the firm’s newly appointed partners. Pusetso Lepodisi, partner at the law firm said AJA’s commitment to empowering young and diverse legal practitioners helps them meet client’s legal needs better.