- Local councillors want floodlights installed around bull ranch
- Task force joins private security personnel at the ranch
The government has beefed up security at Ramatlabama bull ranch where161 pedigree cattle recently bought from Texas, USA for P25 million are kept.
The Botswana Gazette is informed that a task force consisting of officers from Botswana Police Service (BPS), Botswana Defence Force (BDF), and the Directorate of Intelligence and Security Service (DISS) and has been deployed to protect the prize acquisition at the bull ranch following growing cases of stock theft in the area.
It is said the task force is expected to work with private security personnel stationed at the government bull ranch.
Cattle rustlers
Acting Station Commander of Ramatlabama Police Station, Assistant Superintendent One Botlhoko, told Good Hope district authorities that they have resolved to increase their visibility in and around the farm.
Cattle rustlers in the frontier district are notorious for driving stolen cattle across the border into South African.
Meanwhile, local councillors have suggested introduction of a register of all visitors to the district and installation of pole mounted floodlights in and around the bull ranch.
They have also urged ranch management to adopt measures to guard against diseases like Foot and Mouth Disease that may be carried by visitors.