Keorapetse Wants Use of Driver’s Licences And Passports In Elections

  • Aims to table a motion to that effect in Parliament
  • Says the amendment is intended to enhance transparency
  • To call for return of indelible ink to mark those who have cast their ballots


The MP for Selibe-Phikwe West, Dithapelo Keorapetse, is set to table a motion calling for use of driver’s licences and passports as identification documents for registration and voting.

Through a draft bill that is scheduled to be presented in the current sitting of Parliament, Keorapetse proposes for the amendment of the Electoral Act (Cap 02:09) Clauses 2 and 3 to substitute for the definition of identity card to identity document.

Keorapetse’s conviction is that identification document refers to an identity card issued under the National Registration Act, a driver’s licence issued under the Road Traffic Act (Cap. 69:01), while a passport is issued under the Immigration Act (Cap.25:02).


“This amendment therefore introduces the use of a driver’s licence and a passport for registration and voting.

“Thus, a voter who has lost or is without a voter’s registration card but appears on the election roll shall vote provided he or she has his or her identity card, driver’s licence or passport,” Keorapetse submitted.

The objective, he added, is to provide for a transparent and corruption-free electoral process and ensure the integrity of the elections, thereby enhancing public participation and confidence in the electoral process, as well as avoid real or perceived possibility of multiple voting.

Indelible ink

“This amendment is in alignment with the Independent Electoral Commission Stakeholders Report, International Observers, Southern African Development Community (SADC) Principles and Guidelines for Democratic Elections, African Union (AU), Commonwealth, and European Union (EU) Standards,” Keorapetse asserted.

Further, he wants the proposed amendment to re-introduce use of indelible ink.

Only use of valid identity cards known as Omang is currently allowed for elections in Botswana.