President Proposes Outsourcing Police Vehicles 

  • Says outsourcing squad vehicles would ensure availability at all times
  • Asserts outsourcing would also shift repair to private companies


President Duma Boko has proposed outsourcing vehicles for the Botswana Police Service (BPS) from private companies in order to address the longstanding shortage of vehicles that has hindered the operational effectiveness of the police.

The issue of shortage of vehicles within BPS goes back decades.

In December 2011, then Minister of Defence, Justice and Security, Ramadeluka Seretse, acknowledged the problem and said the Ministry of Transport and Communications had been approached to help resolve the problem by rehabilitating vehicles sent for repairs.

Nationwide problem 

Despite these efforts, the shortage of squad vehicles has continued nationwide, impacting the ability of the police to respond promptly to emergencies, conduct patrols and support specialised units.

The shortage disproportionately affects rural areas where access to policing services is already limited.

It is a problem that manifests in delayed response times, increased workload on aging vehicles and safety concerns for police officers.

Community assistance

The shortage of squad vehicles became more pronounced in 2018 when some police stations relied on community assistance to maintain law and order.

It is in response to the persisting challenges that President Boko used a recent meeting with the BPS to propose outsourcing vehicles for the police from private companies.

The President said outsourcing would ensure that vehicles are always available when needed and shift the responsibility for repair and maintenance to private companies.