Who am I? A writer, a commercial model, a voice over artist, an occasional MC, a presenter or a brand marketer? The answer to who I am is not what I do or what my skills are. The identity of a thing or person is defined by values, features and uniqueness, which in turn model behaviour and character, thus becoming an identity.
In marketing, a collection of visual components that represent a company’s ideas and allow customers to remember and distinguish a brand from dozens of others is what we call brand identity. A brand identity creates a name, a logo, messages, a specific way of communication, shapes, visuals and uses colours to shape a specific image in the minds of consumers. Basically, a brand identity is made up of values, a mission statement and, but not limited to, a brand promise.
We live in a world where brands compete for consumers’ attention, and a person’s attention span is extremely short. Marketers must create something unique in order to stand out. They will be able to find an appropriate position for the brand and create a unique design that people will recognise if they create a powerful identity for a company. As a result, brand awareness will improve.
The identity of a brand tells people what it is all about. Airbnb is one of the brands that live up to their identity. Its slogan, “Belong anywhere. You see, a house is just a space, but a home is where you belong,” Airbnb CEO, Brian Chesky, explained: “And what distinguishes this global community is that, for the first time, you can belong anywhere.”
BK Proctor’s brand slogan is “Express Yourself.” We have seen how intentional they were with it from their advertorials. Every item from his collection is tied to a specific expression, from collaborations with different kind of individuals such as Veezo View (Rapper), T.H.A.B.O (radio host), Sadie (TV presenter), Natasha (MakeUp artist) and many others. Collections by BK Proctor’s brand image portrays how different people (audiences) express themselves.
Other examples are Luis Vuitton’s LV logo, Apple’s eaten apple logo, and Nike’s iconic swoosh logo. These are part of the company’s brand identity, and it is an important one that has become synonymous with the brand – even when it doesn’t include the company’s name. That’s how powerful brand identity can be when done correctly and consistently.
There are many advantages of investing in building a strong brand identity, but the two major advantageous are:
A product with a strong brand identity can charge premium prices. For example, many of Apple’s competitors’ products are technologically equivalent to their but their iconic brand is often enough to entice customers to buy from them again and again.
The truth is that people will pay more for what they believe to be a better or higher-quality brand. Local consumers have had disagreements about small local businesses versus established brands. Although the products/services are not significantly different from established brands, they lose almost every time because established brands have a strong identity and are perceived as higher quality in the customer’s mind.
The most powerful brand identities are instantly recognisable and convey a message about the company. Large corporations such as Coca Cola, MTN, Orange, Puma and Pepsi spend millions on marketing to promote and develop their brands because they understand how it affects their revenue and market position.
Wayfair Senior Brand Manager, Jared Rosen, has noted: “Finding the right logo to put on coffee cup sleeves or hang above your front door is only one aspect of brand identity. It’s all about developing a personality that highlights the key elements of your brand’s DNA. Today’s most compelling brand identities span digital platforms, in-person interactions, and even naturally converse with real customers.”
A brand that is attuned in its identity, can achieve any set goal, no matter how far-fetched it seems.