Renewal of private health practitioners licenses

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The Ministry of Health hasobserved that some privatehealth practitionerspractice without renewal of theirprivate practice licenses.Private practitioners are requiredto renew registration withBotswana Health ProfessionsCouncil and Private Practice licensesannually. Licence renewalperiod is from April to 30 June.Each license is valid for a yearand expires on 31 March the followingyear. Renewal for the year2013/ 2014 has commenced sinceApril 2013. A certifi ed valid copyof the registration card (blue card)and expired license are requestedfor renewal. The renewals aredone in Offi ce 10A.3 on the 10thfl oor in Ministry of Health bycompleting relevant forms.


All private practitioners employedunder the licensure of anothermust be registered with theoffi ce of the Director of HealthServices and a license holdermust attach certifi ed copy of his/her employee’s professional registrationcard. Furthermore, permissionto employ private practitionersmust be sought from theDirector of Health Services unlesson locum basis for a periodnot exceeding three (3) monthswhich does not require application.Practitioners are also informedthat the Ministry is now issuinglicenses in the form of certifi -cates. Initially a letter is given tofacilitate the practitioner to set upa facility following successful applicationfor private practice. Alicense is then issued after the facilityhas been inspected to commenceservices.


It has also beenrealized that some practitionershave opened multiple practiceswithout getting permission andbeing licensed. Practitioners whooperate multiple practices withoutbeing licensed should contactthe offi ce of the Director ofHealth Services immediately orface closure of their facilities.The Ministry has also notedthat some practitioners abandontheir practices for a long periodof time without informing theoffi ce of Director of Health Services.


Private practitioners wholeave their facilities which operateunder professional licencesfor over one year if not grantedthe go-ahead by the Director ofHealth Sevices will automaticallyhave their facilities closed downand their licences will not be renewed.It is also illegal to engagea professional in private practicewithout the approval of the Directorof Health Services.By this communication allprivate practices whose licenseshave not been renewed to daterun the risk of being charged asaccording to Botswana HealthProfessions Act Section 13 subsection(11) losing their licencesas they will not be renewed andthese facilities will be closed forgood.Ministry of Health