My career; my choice, my future

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Tertiary education is a vital achievement that could increase your lifetime earnings if done at the right time, at the right school. Before investing your time in a tertiary institution, you need to work through all your considerations to make sure what you are going to study is something that will prove fruitful to your future.
A quick entry into university can actually close doors to future career opportunities if other people infl uence the decision. When growing up, most individuals tend to consider career choices from the very limited number of people they have meet, teachers, friends and parents but the more life experiences one goes through the further they candiscover more exciting opportunities. Not only do students need time to discover what they would like to do, they also need time to survey the growing fi eld of options in an ever changing career marketplace. Furthermore, taking a break to think about your career path should not be spent on parent’s couch. It is an opportunity for personal growth and challenge.


The most common factors that influence individuals to make sudden decisions to go for tertiary institutions include peer pressure, parents’decisions and just the need to go because it is expected of them. When you finally decide to go for tertiary studies, it should be only to pursue a course that will build one’s career for a brighter future. Higher education plays an essential role in society as it creates new knowledge for students and fosters innovation. It also nurtures resilience of vast opportunities that produce competitive and productive individuals that are working towards improving the country’s economy. The community as a whole expects to see well-rounded individuals with good character and the idea is to take education seriously and to plan ahead for one’s studies in order to reap good fruits. Having said that, the just ended Botswana Tertiary Education (BTEF), is one such platform that many high school leavers could use to make sure they choose the right school that would cater to their study needs at the right time. The education fair gives students a rare platform and opportunity to explore their options and compare tertiary institutions to one another in order to make an informative decision.


BTEF was fi rst introduced by the Tertiary Education Council (TEC) and its partners in March 2010 as an annual event. The commendable event brings together various stakeholders among them TEC’s registered tertiary education institutions’ , current and prospective students, tertiary education providers and institutions outside Botswana, regulatory bodies in Botswana, Government departments, financial institutions (banks), private and business sector. The central goal of this education fair is to create maximum awareness and educate their prospective students and the public on how they
could help each other to build a favorable future for both parties.