- Kgosi was allegdly assisted by DISS and Immigration officials
- Systems failure somehow coincided with late arrival of secret agent detailed for Ramotswa border post
Reported investigations by the Directorate of Intelligence and Security Service (DISS) and Botswana Police Service (BPS) into how former spy chief Issac Kgosi was able to find his way back into the country on December 3, 2019 without detection by law enforcement agencies have so far failed to bear any result, The Botswana Gazette has established.
Sources close to the investigations say both DISS and BPS have failed to indentify and summon individuals believed to have assisted Kgosi in his mysterious return to Botswana from Malaysia. It is public knowledge that Kgosi was able to gain entry into the country via the Ramotswa border post and was assisted manually after a rather convenient computer systems failure at the border post.
Impeccable sources say an unamed DISS agent who was detailed to be on duty at the border post at the material time of Kgosi’s arrival and the systems failure was said to have reported late for work on the day.
“You should be asking yourself why he chose to use the Ramotswa border post out of all the other border posts in the country and why he travelled by road,” said one source. “Is it just a coincidence there were network problems at the Ramotswa border post on the particular day?
“Even the Immigration official who assisted him never even bothered to call Ramotswa Police Station. Remember that this is a fellow who had been in the news and so it must have been known by the Immigration officials at the border post he was the target of a warrant of arrest.”
Reached for comment yesterday (Monday), the head of DISS, Brigadier Peter Magosi, said the Immigration officials had spoken of network challenges on the day that had been started before Kgosi’s arrival.
“We did engage with Immigration officials and we learned that their system had been having network challenges for some time,” Magosi told this publication.
Asked about a secret agent allegedly reporting late for duty on that day, he responded: “I cannot comment on that one because it is an interal issue. I will not discuss our operational issues.”