Is Kgosi looking for a political home?

  • Long time ally of BPF patron Ian Khama attends BNF rally
  • UB don says Kgosi would benefit the opposition considerably


Former director of DISS and long-time ally of former president Ian Khama, Isaac Kgosi, was seen at a Botswana National Front (BNF) rally recently, setting tongues wagging that he may be considering political activism.

Since being fired from his powerful perch at the beginning of May in 2018, Kgosi has not found rest, thanks to DISS constantly digging up dirt on him and filing a string of criminal cases, many of which are still pending before the courts.

Botswana’s erstwhile top spy has described his situation as plain harassment by his successor, Brigadier Peter Magosi. He has avoided making public statements since the beginning of his court appearances until recently when he vented his frustrations in court.

Kgosi’s recent presence at the BNF rally following his latest court appearance sparked debate on social media between opposition and ruling party politicians. The ruling party criticised the opposition for consorting with a man they vehemently criticised and vowed to nail as soon as they came to power while the opposition responded by saying the ruling party has no place commenting on how the opposition conducts its affairs.

Political observers say Kgosi’s behaviour suggests a man looking for a political home. They reason that political activism could be a source of support for him under his unenviable circumstances.

“He can’t win against a state sponsored agency alone and the harassment won’t stop now,” said one opposition activist. “It could be that he feels vulnerable and is gravitating towards those who are showing him some sympathy.”

At the University of Botswana, political analyst Professor Zibani Maundeni said harassment of political activists is not tolerated in a democracy but expressed doubt that activism would benefit Kgosi.

“Should he join politics, the BDP government may say he was pursued way before and argue that joining politics does not protect from prosecution,” Maundeni said. “My view is that he would be of great benefit to the opposition. He and Khama were with the BDP for a long time and were at the centre of planning and execution of its electoral games.”

He added that the BDP may be unsettled because Kgosi and Khama, who is the patron of the opposition Botswana Patriotic Front, know much, including weaknesses and strengths of the party and the government.

Meanwhile, Kgosi – who was given a hero’s welcome at the weekend BNF rally – has not said a word about his next move.